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Revealed: A Recent Trade I Profited 55% on

a investor pointed at a stock market ticker

This morning, I was at the local Publix pharmacy to get my name on the list for the vaccine.  Normally speaking, I wouldn’t be in a hurry.  I don’t interact with many people and so I would just let other people who might need the vaccine more get it first. 

However, my children are supposed to stay with me in early April…

And because of the pandemic, it’s been too long since I’ve seen them.  

Needless to say, I am excited as I can be.  

There’s a reason for Options360 subscribers to be excited as well. 

This morning, we rolled a trade on SPY, making the cost basis $0.  So we have a FREE trade…

If the position is worth anything when we close it – it’s a win!

On top of that, we closed part of a trade we opened on COST last Friday for a 55% win…

In one trading day. 

And finally, we opened a high probability trade in V – there MIGHT still be time for you to get into the trade if you grab your $19 trial subscription to Options360 right now

I can’t say for sure because the positions can move fast.  As I’m sure you know, time is of the essence when trading options.  

We are managing the rest of our positions – and as I mentioned on Saturday the portfolio is up an impressive (if I do say so myself) 20% including winners and losers.  

If you have not taken me up on my invitation to test drive Options360, I can’t imagine why?  We offer the $19 trial to make it affordable for anyone…

And because we know that new subscribers oftentimes use a small portion of their profits to keep their membership active. 

In other words, it’s not unusual for new subscribers to risk $19 then pay for their ongoing membership out of the money they make by following the trade recommendations. 

The training webinars are almost like a FREE bonus.

Claim your $19 trial membership now, before you miss out on more great trades.

To Your Success,


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