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REVEALED: Why It’s a Bull Market Until it Isn’t

bear market vs bull market


I’ve been getting a lot of questions relating to the market’s volatility the last two weeks. 

I’ve been trying to answer questions and calm fears in my articles…

But many readers still seem to be spooked by the volatility.   So I want to go back to trading 101 and make things very very clear.

With my birthday being next week [Thursday, May, 27], we’re lowering the barrier-to-entry by granting full access for just $9 — until then. I assure you this deal will never be repeated. Click here to claim this special offer!

Volatility is good for us.  As I mentioned yesterday, it requires patience so we don’t jump into trades just to do something. 

So with the MSFT trade from Options360 that I mentioned yesterday, we waited two days until we could fill the order at the price target.  

When you are that close to putting on a trade there is the tendency to enter at a higher price just to get in the action.  That is ALWAYS a mistake, even if it works out. 

It establishes a bad habit, and our habits determine our success. 

Are we in the habit of following the trading rules we have decided to follow, or are we in the habit of ignoring them?

Breaking our rules is always a bad idea because it establishes a habit that WILL hurt us in the long run, even if it works out in the short run.  Sometimes the worst thing that can happen is that we break a rule and still make a profit.  

Patience and discipline are the keys to winning.  

I know, patience and discipline are boring…

But they are the keys to successful trading.  

Don’t believe me?  Just check the Options360 track record.  We have destroyed the S&P 500 every year since we launched in 2015.   From that point of view, we have a perfect record.

Patience and discipline.  

So, we are in a bull market until the market says otherwise.  No speculation, no guessing, no prognostications.  

Just facts and technicals.   

That’s why people subscribe to Options360, because I do all the grunt work so you can make all the money.  

Trade smart, and be patient.  There is ALWAYS another trade to make.  

Better to miss one occasionally than make a stupid trade.

To Your Success,


PS. Because it’s my birthday on the 27th, I am giving you the gift of joining Options360  for just $9.  But you better do it now, as time is running out!

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