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The Trading Lesson I Learned by Breaking My Neck & Why you Should Care

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When I was a kid I loved sports.  

I played tennis, basketball, and I LOVED body surfing…

Until one fateful day when I was 17.  

I was bodysurfing when I got caught unawares by an unusually large wave for the beach I was on. 

Under normal circumstances, it wouldn’t have mattered much, except this time I had a freak mishap.

I wasn’t ready when the wave broke and I tumbled out of control.   My head hit the ground underwater and my body twisted the wrong way…

A massive pain shot through my neck and a few seconds later when I washed up on shore my right arm felt like there was electricity running through it and my legs were numb.  

Luckily I was at the beach with friends, so they took me to the ER right away.

This was before cell phones, but the ER called my parents and they immediately came to the hospital.  

That’s when I overheard the doctor say to them, “He’s lucky he isn’t paralyzed, or dead!” 

When I really grasped how close I had come to dying, a few things came into focus for me.  The most obvious is don’t take dumb risks, and always be ready for the unexpected. 

I also realized that life is precious and can end at any second, so don’t leave things undone.  You want to be responsible, but don’t wait to live your life “someday.”

That message was reinforced over the next 6 months as I walked around with a halo brace to keep my neck perfectly still while I mended.  

Even all these years later, those beliefs underlie everything I do…

Even the way I trade and how I manage Options360 for my subscribers.  

We take the shots, but not foolishly or without preparation.  

If I was cavalier about trading we wouldn’t have smashed the S&P every year since 2015!.

We are “intelligently aggressive” and it pays off week after week, month after month, and year after year.  

You can try Options360 out for just $19.   Fact is, you can’t go wrong…

The bi-weekly market breakdown webinars you get access to are worth 50 times the trial rate, without even considering the trade recos. 

Get all the details here, and I’ll see you on the “inside.”

To Your Success,


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