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Why Picking the Right Positions Is More Important Than Ever

number one stock signal

In last Saturday’s email I wrote:

“So in short, we are on fire and I’m looking forward to another great week next week.”

And last week was fantastic!

We closed out 3 trades that paid off well, my predictions about the market over the previous few weeks came to pass…

And now I am looking forward to a very calm weekend with my favorite company…

Me, Myself and I! (Ok my FAVORITE company is my children – but you get my point)

You see, I am really an introvert at my core.  Yes, I love seeing friends and interacting with subscribers, and I can even be quite boisterous and social in the right circumstance…

but I need alone time to recharge my batteries.

When it comes to trading this market, right now picking the right positions is more important than ever.

I’ve always said that, and recently I’ve been repeating it over and over again.  And I will keep repeating it until you understand it and accept it!

This is why in Options360 I host a training webinar twice a month.  It’s a lot of work to put those on, but it’s critical that you understand WHY I make the trades I make, not just follow my advice. 

As the old saying goes, “Give a man a fish, feed him for a day.  Teach a man to fish, feed him for his life.”

My job is to give you trades, but my bigger job is to help teach you to trade!

You can try Options360 for a month for just $19.  Yes, you will get all of my trades, and we have been on fire all year! (We are up 27% YTD)

But you will also get access to hundreds of hours of training videos that you can watch and learn…

And you’ll get 2 LIVE training videos where I will answer all of your questions about trades. (No personal advice – it’s illegal for me to give you that.)

I can assure you that the $19 will be the best money you ever spent.  If you disagree, cancel and never pay another penny!

I’m betting you stay on board, like most of the folks who take the test drive.

To Your Success,



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