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Revealed: The Unbelievable Parallel Between College & Investing

So I mentioned this week that my Ex-wife and I took my daughter college hunting – and much to his dismay, my son had to tag along.

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I was amazed at some of the universities we saw.  Truthfully, they were more like vacation resorts than colleges.  

I remember my freshman dorm.  You might have mistaken it for a prison pod except there were no bars.  

Painted cinder block walls, beds (more like cots) that only the young could sleep on.  If I slept on one now I wouldn’t be able to stand up in the morning!

And the cafeteria was something akin to a high school cafeteria – only a little bigger.  

But the exact same food quality.  

Today, they have spas, beautiful dorms, and practically gourmet food…

It’s a completely different experience.    

It was like showing up and getting all of the luxuries we used to dream about getting, without the work we had to put in to get them. 

Almost like the manifestation of the participation trophy idea, only applied to colleges.  

Then it hit me…

Over the last 13 years, investors have been treated in a very similar way.  

[Special Deal] Claim your $19 trial offer into the unique trading service that’s delivered its members HIGH RETURNS every single year since inception — The Options360!

Let me explain.  First, there are loads of tools that people have today that we didn’t when I started.  

From gamification apps like Robinhood to tools that can easily overlay several charts.  

It all can be helpful, however, it can also overcomplicate things and make trading harder than it needs to be. 

More importantly, though, the 13-year bull market has created a participation trophy mentality in traders and investors.  

From Dave Portnoy’s declaration that stocks always go up to the perma-bulls on financial news stations, the overall approach to the market is “if you show up you’ll make money.”

In other words, everyone gets a trophy. 

I’m afraid a lot of that may be coming to an end in the next few months. 

We will see, however, in the meantime I suggest that it’s time to get someone to guide you through the markets

That’s exactly what I do for subscribers in my concierge trading service, Options360.  

And now you can take a trial subscription for just $19.

To Your Success,



PS. This could be our best year ever in Options360.  (Current record is 125% ROI on the year)

If not the best, I am confident that it will be one of the best ever…

Find out why. Click here now.  

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