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This Entire Industry Has Changed, Which is Great For Us…

The year was 1989, and I was a brand-new, “wet behind the ears” options trader in the pits of the CBOE.

Yes, I have been doing this THAT long.

You Can Get Me On Your Side for Just $19.

Back then, we couldn’t trade options like we do today — online with a click of a mouse.

Believe it or not, I started my career a year earlier on the AMEX exchange floor yelling out orders for friend-and-family firms, including my father’s.

He was a maniac — selling crazy out-of-the-money options for pennies…

But that’s another story.

Anyway, I was in Chicago, new to the CBOE and lurking.

It didn’t take me long to realize exactly how much booze and cocaine were floating around that place.

I would have a social drink now and again…

But there were loads of guys who had a liquid lunch (or powder lunch) everyday.

It was insane.

A testosterone-driven, drug- and alcohol-hazed pit of money!

When I saw “The Wolf of Wall Street” years ago, I didn’t need to be convinced that the drug culture was real.

I wasn’t anywhere near Stratton Oakmont, but I was familiar enough with the business to know that they were telling the truth.

Today, though, things have changed.

Even though I’m not on the exchange anymore — I just enjoy my beach life here on the east coast of Florida…

I hear from friends and colleagues.

The institutions won’t put up with the shenanigans we used to get away with, and the level of professionalism is at an all-time high.

That’s good for us, because it means the smart money is trading with a clear head.

If you know what you are looking for, it can be easier than ever to cash in on the markets.

Options360 subscribers sure have been this year, even though the market has been getting smashed.

While the S&P 500 is down over 13.5% YTD, Options360 is up over 15%.

Which place would you rather have your money?

You can still hop aboard Options360 for just $19.

And we can put you in the winner’s circle with the rest of our subscribers.

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