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You Have To Be Ready For Sudden Changes…

Dear Reader,

For the last week here in Florida, it’s been all news about Hurricane Ian all the time. 

If you don’t live in this part of the country, you might have heard a little something…

But if you live around here, you’ve been hearing about the barometric pressure, the wind speeds in and around the storm, how big the storm is, the projected tracks for the storm, etc, etc.

At this point, I’d bet I could be a stand-in for the local weatherman.

Here’s my point…

On Sunday evening, the storm looked like it was going to hit the panhandle of Florida. (If you are looking at a map, that’s the little part at the top of the state that extends west under Georgia and Alabama.)

As of 5 a.m. this morning, the storm is projected to hit Tampa with almost a direct hit. That’s half way down the state!

That’s a big shift in 36 hours. There are millions of people who went to bed Sunday without any worries and who woke up this morning scrambling to get water and nonperishable food, and make sure their gas tank is full. 

Of course, there were fewer people who were ready no matter what the storm did.

Better to be in the second group than the first…

And that’s what I’ve been doing in Options360 over the past few weeks.

There are a LOT of forces tugging at the market right now…

And we want to be part of the few who are ready no matter what happens.

Because in the market, when things finally break to one side or the other — we can use our dry powder to make some truly great trades.

Wouldn’t it be better if you join us now so that you can get in on those trades?

I think it would be.

So click here and to start your journey with our growing community of options traders.

Talk to you tomorrow


P.S. I’m on the other side of the state, so we will get some rain and wind — but nothing to worry about. Those folks in Tampa Bay are in for some serious flooding though!

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